all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 8AA 7 3 53.035989 -2.223233
ST5 8AB 39 9 53.035215 -2.223662
ST5 8AD 9 0 53.035376 -2.223961
ST5 8AE 14 0 53.034207 -2.224104
ST5 8AF 12 0 53.033702 -2.225086
ST5 8AG 43 0 53.033872 -2.2254
ST5 8AH 16 2 53.033285 -2.226918
ST5 8AJ 3 0 53.033329 -2.227634
ST5 8AL 24 0 53.031907 -2.228267
ST5 8AN 18 0 53.031899 -2.227805
ST5 8AP 41 0 53.032901 -2.225648
ST5 8AQ 21 1 53.03388 -2.225951
ST5 8AR 27 0 53.033198 -2.225426
ST5 8AS 44 0 53.034019 -2.223671
ST5 8AT 6 0 53.036276 -2.22319
ST5 8AU 25 0 53.03303 -2.223949
ST5 8AW 14 1 53.033088 -2.226708
ST5 8AX 20 1 53.032842 -2.223277
ST5 8AY 25 0 53.032285 -2.22317
ST5 8AZ 39 2 53.03272 -2.221382